“Good Luck with That: Canto I” is part of a series of multimedia pieces that focus on gaming (also known as “gambling”) and the artifacts associated with it. Canto I addresses the lottery, specifically the assorted options available in the California Lottery. It combines lottery slips, losing tickets, advice for the lottery player, and a dialogue between a player and spouse. Mixed media. 47” (H) x 27” (W) x 0.75” (D). $511. Created May 2020. Here is the dialogue:
Dream big or don’t dream at all, like I always says.
Yeah, but your chances are almost nothing, like I always say.
Almost is better than nothing.
Well, your chances are closer to nothing than closer to almost.
I’m doing it anyway. I can’t afford not to.
Better you can’t afford to.
Well you got your way I got mine.
But we’re both in it together. It’s my money too.
And it’ll be yours too when the ship comes in. Big time.
I don’t know why I bother.
Me neither.
How many times we’ve been through this, I don’t know.
Me neither, but the ship’s coming in. I feel it.
You’ve felt it before and it was just throwing cash away.
No, this time I really feel it.
How many times have I
This time I feel it super strong. Super super. Never felt it like this before, ever.
Yep, feelin’ it.
I hope.
You hope but I knows.
Mm hmm.
What numbers should I go with?
I said what numbers?
I said what numbers?